08:02 AM


Zohar's Whiteboard




Click on an item and drag to move it around.

“Manage Room” displays a list of the furniture in your room. Click on the menu title itself to drag this menu around. This menu lets you:

  • Move item to the top layer
  • Move item up one layer
  • Move item to the bottom layer
  • Move item down one layer
  • Grab item
  • Flip Item horizontally
  • Move Item into closet

Click on “Open Closet” to see a list of furniture stored in your closet. This menu lets you:

  • Place item in room


Click on an item and drag to move it around.

Click this icon to move your rooms around.

Click this icon to be able to zoom in on a single room.

Once you zoom into a room, you can change the furniture by moving it around or by pulling furniture out of the house closet and putting it in the current room.

Remember to Save your house after you make changes!

Subscribe to Clinker's Whiteboard


Administrator 1426004 post(s)



Ready to roast some marshmallows? Then click the pic to WIN THIS FIREPIT!


Administrator 1426004 post(s)

Please congratulate Krystal, AU’s newest AU Student Admin!

See ya!

3871 post(s)

Good evening from the midwest, everyone.

I honestly just wanted to say hi to all of you and check in on those still active here. I’ve just been gaming a lot on my ps4 , as well as roleplaying on wattpad; so I’m usually online a bunch.

If anyone is interested (since I’ve been spending a lot of my time on the internet), I’d love to chat with some of you on either discord or instagram or whatever — but otherwise, I hope you all have a wonderful day and a great thanksgiving. x

- Raven.

Administrator 1426004 post(s)



Ready to roast some marshmallows? Then click the pic to WIN THIS FIREPIT!


Administrator 1426004 post(s)


Read his words of wisdom…. Trade him some stuff and see what he gives you back [if anything!].
[He prefers pizza.]

You can also visit Spinoza on the, CAMPUS MAP
Search the MAP then click on the DUMPSTER!

Want to know more about the mysterious Spinoza? Ask me on my whiteboard and I’ll send you the Story Of Spinoza.


Administrator 1426004 post(s)



I’ll be putting up fun Autumn Items you can win, throughout the Season. Be SURE to visit the HOME PAGE often to see if a new object is available.

Right now, you can win this PILE ’O LEAVES! so jump in!

See ya!

3871 post(s)

Hey guys,

So as some of you may know, I’m creating a large masterpost-like thing dedicated to helping everyone out with writing a unique character. I have some information I’m editing as of right now, so hopefully the whole post will be updated and ready to go within the next few weeks (if I’m not too busy).

I’m super excited to be back, so if anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to leave me a message on my whiteboard.

– Rose, aka Savannah.

3300 post(s)

Sorry for the delay! Make sure to check out the results from the last poll in the forum.

Click here to vote in the new poll!

3871 post(s)

Hi there students!

So I just recently edited the “Masterpost For Newbies!” and I wanted to let everyone know that some new information has been added, as well as the fact that it now has a sleeker and cleaner look to it! A lot of the information is way easier to understand, though if anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to leave me a message.

Click here for the masterpost!

- Rose

3300 post(s)

Hi all! Some of you may remember when I ran the weekly poll. Due to the recent spike in activity, I thought it may be helpful to bring it back (but every other week now).

Click here to vote in this week’s poll!

3871 post(s)

hey everyone! i just wanted to send out a mass message to see if it worked. (:

anyways, have a wonderful day! x

(sent out on 10/22/18)

Whiteboard Owner 1 post(s)

^ Name -

Zohar – unisex, means “light, brilliance” in Hebrew.
{nicknames: Zo, Clinker, Puff, Smokey}

^ Age -


^ Gender -

Uses he/they pronouns

^ Kind -

Half soot sprite / Half feline

^ Status -


^ Appearance -

Dark black
Extremely fluffy
Pointed ears
Large , bright eyes

^ Characteristics -

Sheds ash and dust frequently
Smells of smoke or burning
Able to spontaneously combust and reform
Extremely lightweight
Prefers closed spaces
Hates windy days
Welcomes company
Often clumsy
Kind nature
Tone deaf
Squeaks when surprised
Enjoys harmless pranks

^ Story -

Initially a simple black cat who was the companion of a witch along, he accidentally got in the way during a spell and was combined with the one of the soot sprites summoned to help keep the cauldron lit. He continued to keep the witch company for many years, obtaining certain….abilities, as the result of this change. One day his witch was caught and burned at the stake. He salvaged only her locket from what was left, and wears it at all times. He doesn’t stay in one place for too long, and enjoys messing with people into believing that their house is haunted.

^ RP Preferences -

Can RP with anyone/thing
Campus, or old houses/buildings and anywhere fires are/have been
If being outside is a must, prefers the night time

^ AU info

Status: Student
Year: Freshman Standing
Level: 3
Major: Drama (tech/special effects)
Minor: Literature

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